
Welcome to my website! Whatever brought you here, I'm glad you're here. I assume you'd like to learn more about me, so let me tell you a little bit about myself.
I'm an American from the Midwest. The Des Moines, Iowa area will always be my hometown, but I've had the opportunity to live and work in some of the most beautiful and exciting cities in the United States and around the world. Chicago, New York City, Prague, Seoul, Shanghai, and other great cities have all been my home at one time or another.
My passions include writing, reading, great storytelling in any form, teaching, learning, traveling, exploring cultures, creating compelling content, staying fit, self-improvement, and a whole lot of other fun stuff.
On my website you'll find links to books I've written and humor/creative nonfiction pieces I've published, as well as video projects I've worked on and posted to my YouTube channel (Jim Schneider A-Z). You can also read my own personal rules for writing (feel free to borrow them!) and find a way to reach out to me on the "Contact" page, for any inquiries about my work or working with me.